June 3, 2019

Hi 😉 Last time I told you that after I finished my article, I reminded myself a lot of other stuff about Morocco. So.. After my article “What surprised me in Morocco” Click Here and “What surprised me in Poland”  Click Here I was reported by trolls – all my accounts on social media. More about it here Click Here .

Ok, now without extra yapping hehe Here you go, second part of “What surprised me in Morocco” 😉  Let’s get this party started;)

Taxis – You can travel by yourself or with a group of people. If you have spare time, you can wait until taxi will be full and for example if you travel between cities you won`t pay 60 EURO, but 10, because price is shared on 6 people. Of course if you don`t want to travel with strangers or you don`t want to wait until taxi will get full, you can go by yourself 😉

Taxis in the cities- Sometimes taxi driver can take few people who goes in this same direction and everyone pay for curse like if they go alone.

Prices of cars – that is truly shocking for me, prices of the cars are so big, that it makes me feel they are from Universe. All because of big taxes. I will tell you example: WV Golf 6 from 2008 in Europe costs 6.000-7.500 EUR and in Morocco this same car will cost 11.000-13.000 EUR. There are also cars from 80ties, which are also very expensive.

It is really crazy. Not everybody can afford a car. That’s why you will see more motorcycles on the streets.

Great street food – You can really buy delicious and very cheap street food for example near the beach, near bus stations or places with nice views. Usually this street food is also healthy 😉 For example chickpeas or broad beans in spices (small bag 150 g), will cost you around 0.30 EUR 😉 For something sweet like doughnut with rose water – this same price. Mniam, mniam ?

Fast foods – To be honest fast food in Morocco is not fast food we know in Europe. In Moroccan restaurant all ingredients are fresh. Potatoes are cut in front of you, meat is from cow, which were alive just yesterday. All vegetables and fruits are delicious, because they grow in warm sun. I ate this fast food  a lot of times and I highly recommend you to try as well, because it is nothing else like homemade food 😉

Moroccan cookies – original, small, very sweet and truly tasty. I will tell you something, I have never tried some treats like that before. My favourite are with almonds and dates.. Mniam, mniam?

Trash – What really surprised me is that quite a few people throw trash on the ground. For me it is strange, because in Poland we are learnt to throw it to the trash cans..

People – usually nice and friendly, easy going, talkative, however I had few not so pleasant episodes during this 2 and half years in Morocco. Usually with women (some hateful looks or behaviours) and some guys who obviously think European women come to Morocco only for one thing.

Weddings – totally different then in Poland or England.. In Poland food and drinks are all the time on the table, there is band or DJ and people dance all night till the morning. In England wedding takes few hours and guest pay for drinks hehe In Morocco food (meat) come two times, one after another one. First chicken, then beef or lamb. And all night there is no drinks or food on the table. Usually there is some band (however not good for my ears, because it is to loud), there are some traditional or religious songs. What is worth to say, it is that it is worth to wait for this delicious meals. It is the best chicken and beef you will ever try 😉 More about Moroccan wedding you will find here Click Here .

Oh and women and men sits separately. Sometimes wedding for both genders is on different days. So there is no dancing with a husband or partner like on polish weddings hehe

Swimming pools – To go to swimming pool you need to go to hotel. There is rare to find swimming pool on it is own. You pay entry in hotel (not for hotel) and you use swimming pool with guests. In Morocco beaches are really beautiful, however bigger ennoblement in society is when family will go on swimming pool;) To be honest I think it is probably, because swimming pool is a lot of safer for kids then waves of cold Atlantic Ocean. From the other hand, me I wouldn’t trade beautiful, Moroccan beaches for any swimming pool 😉

Alcohol – it is forbidden, but you can buy it in hotels, in the special shops or bars.

Tajine, couscous, shawerma, fresh fishes from the Ocean – you need to try this foods when you will come to Morocco. It is your must 🙂

Get married Moroccan– This was really the hardest process in my life. It was so many institutions and so many documents, preparations, legislations, legalizations, copies, stamps, translations etc. that word bureaucracy has new meaning for me now. Very long, hard process (here article about it Click Here). Thanks God we found on our way helpful people who without any interests were ready to help. Thanks God it is over Haha

Picture of King everywhere – In ever business, taxi, restaurant, court, government place or shop you will see picture of young, handsome King of Morocco 😉 Once in Tanger I was witness that King was passing through the city. It was a lot of preparations, all streets were renewed and a lot of policemen were to underwrite the road. It was very interesting experience.

Fake tooth, teeth – In Marrakesh in Jamaa El Fna (big market place) there is a Man who sells a fake teeth 😉 You can buy even one tooth 🙂

That`s it for now, don`t worry, even if I will remind myself more, there will be no 3rd part hehe Who would survive that?;) Have a nice day with your family and friends and “oby nam sie” 😉

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